Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hello, my name is "Amber"...

....and I'm the still sleep deprived lazy mom that can't get her act together to save her life! Seriously, baby is almost 8 months old & I STILL can't get my act together! I forget things, don't show up to things, lose things, feel scatter-brained & generally confused most days.

The kids get out of school tomorrow & Ive been looking forward to that day because I thought it meant we were finally going to get some time to relax around here. However, it recently came to my attention that relaxing is not what summer is for. Who knew? I guess when you are a "good" mom you have your children's summer days chalk full of day camps, summer school, VBS, baseball, swim lessons, vacations, cooking school, knitting camp, accelerated reading courses, and art appreciation classes. God forbid we let our kids rest!

Don't get me wrong, I love me a good vacation, and swim lessons are a must for my children that sink like a rock the second they hit the water are "challenged" in the aquatics department, but who made up the rule that says summer time needs to be full of all this craziness? Why do I have to be the "lazy" mom just because I need a break? I seriously doubt I'll fall prey to the guilt-inducing "kiddie enrichment" schemes & sign my kids up for a bunch of crap just so I can be like everyone else, but it sure would be nice if I could find another mom that wanted to be lazy just have fun with me this summer!

Am I wrong? I'm starting to think I need an attitude adjustment or something, because I am WAY outnumbered on this one. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E I have talked to has their children's entire summer planned out already.Then... there is me. I'm all "I think we are gonna get a pool pass...and maybe a Sonic pass so we can drink slushies everyday". Maybe the lazy days of summer are as outdated an idea as the 8 track player or the "boom box". When you live in a MP3/i-pod society & you are still carting around your giant portable CD player on your hip...maybe it's time you caught up with the rest of the world. Yeah...that's me....I'm the mom that still uses the "Walkman" & sadly, I think it's time I caught up!

Yeah, yeah....I've ranted and raved about how I hate keeping kids "busy" just for the heck of it, but maybe my kids do need more than a pool pass this summer. I guess I just thought that it was normal to slow down during the summer. Apparently NOT! I've only got 1.5 days to figure this out (dripping sarcasm)! Chances are we will stick to our original plan & I'll just be the lazy mom with severely enrichment-deprived children for one more summer! If you wanna give me a hard time about this you'll most likely find me at the park, the pool, the YMCA, or Sonic. I'll be the one with the 4 sticky children in damp swimsuits that have no idea they are so "deprived".


Theresa said...

Knitting camp, eh? I think your kids will be just fine without it, and all those other's not like you can't have fun without them :-)

Amber said...

Yeah, the knitting camp was only kind of a joke. It's actually a "workshop". I saw that advertised at our library this winter. Just a few years Clayton can learn to knit if he takes "Ms Dorthy's" knitting workshop. Wouldn't that make Luke so proud!

Elisa Seaba said...

I'm with you girl! I am having a lazy summer that consists of sleeping in till one of the kids wakes me, then lazying around in pajamas till it's time for the pool to open so we can go use our pool pass and then veg at the pool eating snacks while my 1 yr old confiscates every flip flop at the pool....aww summer!!

Faith said...

I am a lazy mom, too. And I like it that way. :)

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!