...my "life in Christ" isn't about
what I do for Him, but rather
what HE does through me?
I've been a Christian for... well... my whole life, and I can't seem to really take hold of some of the most basic concepts that Jesus taught. Blows my mind how that happens...but it still does. I think I spend too much time thinking about what I
should be doing, and not enough time just
doing it! I get caught in the "what", "why", and "how", and forget that the more important thing to consider is "who"...who am I supposed to be focused on? The answer certainly isn't me!
When Jesus meet the woman at the well he didn't want to know
what she was doing (he already knew that), he wanted to
meet with her. He was interested in H-E-R! That's a tough one for me. I always feel like I have to earn the respect and approval of Jesus
before we talk (like that's even possible). Why would the creator of the universe want to hear from me? Who am I that He should do anything "important" through me?
If my time on this earth is about what Christ can do
through me...then what am I supposed to be looking for/waiting for? Am I waiting to be recognized by more "godly" people for my special talent or ability to be revealed? Do I need a "title" to be able to change the world around me? To me....I think that answer comes when I simply "abide in Christ". It seems like "things" just happen when I am in communion with Christ. But, "communion" with Christ is a
choice...not a command. I think we have to
willingly choose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. He is not going to beat us over the head until we sit down to hear him!
Here is a little story:
My father, whom I love with all my heart, has taught me the importance of "communion" with Christ. I've seen him live out his convictions, even when others scoff at him. Yet, he has always done what he knew Christ was leading him to do. There are plenty of people out there that would rather do "what everyone else does"...but not my dad! For one reason or another, the Lord has lead him down "the road less traveled", but there I see what true communion with Christ looks like.
To some it may appear that my dad has "lost his way", but if you sit and talk to him for 10 minutes you may think differently! He is in such close communion with Christ, that it doesn't matter what things "appear" to be. He has found that place that I am searching for in my journey of faith...
contentment & rest :-). I can see it on his face! He is doing what he was meant for...letting Christ work
through him. It's not about what HE is doing. It's not about what HE wants. It's about surrendering his life to Christ, and letting Christ take the wheel.
My dad will most likely never be called "
PASTOR Allen" (although, he has enough seminary degrees to almost be called "Dr. Allen" -he he!). Nor will he ever parade around a multi-million dollar "mega-church" in a three piece suit passing out $50 bills to his "audience" (er...I mean "congregation"). Nope...that's not his calling (is that really a "calling"). BUT, you
will hear him called
"friend" by many of the prison inmates that he holds a Bible study with every month. You
will hear him called
"cherished colleague" by the people he works with (because my dad has made the choice to stay in the "world" by working outside the 4 walls of the church).
The choices I've seen my dad make have never been easy ones. However, the one common denominator in all of his final decisions was that he knew he was trusting in the Lord, not men! Many of his choices have not been the "easy" route, or widely accepted by everyone around him. More often than not he has
not been "recognized" for his efforts (hence, not holding the "pastor" title). But, I have to say, that's how I've always known that what my father was doing was "of God".
Be wary of "mans" praise when you are looking for God's approval ;-)!I'm not knocking on those who
do work within the church...that's not my point here. I guess what I'm beginning to see is that this life is not about what things
seem. It's not about what things look like. It's not about the title we hold. It's about our
conviction, and communion. Without that close communion with Christ, how will we ever know how Christ wants to work
through us?
What if...God called us to be a "nobody"...for his glory?
Hmmmm....these have been
"deep thoughts" by Amber ;-)