Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Somebody had a birthday...

My Channy-Man turned 6 a few weeks ago, but I never got around to posting pictures because my camera battery has been dying all the time & I kept forgetting to re-charge it. So....better late than never, eh?
Birthday breakfast. He asked for homemade berry sauce on yop of french toast. He gets his good taste in food from his mother ;-).

Everything about this birthday was all about TRANSFORMERS! Gotta love 6 year old boys!

The cake :-)

The family singing to him.

He loved his autobot cake. (Cake making is one of my very few talents as a mother that qualifies me for "cool mom" status in my children's eyes. I love how something so simple brings them so much joy! We could all learn a big lesson from the little things our kids teach us.)

The ultra cool walkie-talkie set from auntie Tricia...and Zion!

If you want to read about the day Channy was born, then you can check out this post. So as not to drive my homones into overdrive, I'm keeping this years birthday post a little more lighthearted. But...I DO love this little boy more than I could ever put into words. He is so precious to me & I feel honored to have such an amazing little boy in my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aaaww...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY sweet handsome Chandler! Transformers ROck ! :-)

Great cake Amber!


Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until 5:00...pm, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!