30 Things I Know For Sure.
1) 20 is not too young to get married...it may even be the BEST time to get married.
2) If you want to be happy, never compare your home, your waist, or your husband to anyone else.
3) Some things really are not worth the fight. There is some wisdom to be found in learning to graciously "give up" sometimes. For instance: Let your 3 year old leave the house in his superman costume. I know it looks kinda funny to go to Target with a superhero sidekick & it's even a huge pain to strap him into his car seat with the bulky cardboard 6-pack abs and all....but really...is it worth the fight??
4) Self-pity never solves your problems...but it WILL make them seem worse than they are!
5) It's never a good idea to ask another person what YOU are capable of...only you can answer that for yourself.
6) Love hurts.
7) Giving birth without drugs also HURTS...but it's very empowering & so worth it!
8) People who only tell you what they think you want to hear are not your friends.
9) Popular people rarely change the world. It's usually those weirdos that don't care what people think that shake things up.
10) Hope has to be grounded in something deeper than just positive thinking for it to take root in our lives. The kind of "hope" that changes the world is based on truth.
11) Your children will break your heart.
12) The 80's was not a decade that taught home decorators what the word "neutral color palette" really meant. For instance: Green is not a neutral carpet color... likewise, "smurf blue" is not a neutral wall color. Contrary to popular belief, those are not colors that match much of anything. This I know FOR SURE!
13) Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
14) You savor & appreciate that which you have to WORK for.
15) Bad haircuts don't last forever.
16) There are many times in life when the solution to a problem is really found when you "fight it out"(This would be a situation when #3 does NOT apply!). There is such a thing as "productive arguments", so don't be afraid to have a good fight every so often. ;-)
17) You learn more by saying "tell me what you think", than by saying "let me tell you what I think".
18) All children look like angels when they are sleeping :-).
19) A 22 oz margarita with an extra shot really does makes the world seem like a much happier place.
20) Never ever sniff your child's finger when they say "ewww...smell this"...NEVER!
21) DO come very quickly when a child says "Mom, I just need some carpet cleaner and the whole roll of paper towels...but I don't need your help".
22) Purple permanent sharpie marker DOES in fact come out of tan couch cushions with a little effort and a LOT of rubbing alcohol. Hot pink nail polish DOES NOT come out of light tan carpet...no matter what!
23) Children are very forgiving....so you should be too!
24) A man that will hold your hair back for you while you vomit is a keeper!
25) Just because you can...does not mean you should!
26) It's very easy to gain 50 lbs when you are pregnant. However, it's not so easy to lose 50 pounds!
27) Optimism is not a natural inclination, but rather a discipline.
28) If you only have two minutes to throw on some makeup choose a dash of bronzer, mascara, and lip gloss.
29) Honesty will get you more respect than flattery will.
30) Always eat cake on your birthday!
Amber my dear smart friend! You have some great "30" things here! You are a great person! And I hope you don't mind I am going to paste one/two of these on my facebook Status! Because I am always looking for something creative to say...and well..you have said 30 of them...and I want to copy two of them! I won't steel all of them! I hope that your birthday was amazing! Cheers to your 30's! To a beautiful 30 year old lovely lady !!
Steal away my friend! I didn't come up with all of these on my own anyway...some of them are just things I've heard through the years and hung on to for such a time as this :-).
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