Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

It's no secret that for the past 6 years Mother's Day has been my least favorite holiday. I referred to it as "Grandmother's Day" instead. That's because for my first 6 years of being a Mother I spent the entire day running around to both of the grandma's homes to pay homage to them (which usually meant me cooking some sort of side dish for a meal, and buying them the "perfect" Mother's Day gift). Don't get me wrong...I love our Mother's, but I was not so in love with the "special" day that put so much pressure on me. It was anything but special for me & I began to despise the holiday. It was much like Christmas...but the stakes were even higher!

SOOOOOO, this year my loving husband worked really hard to change all that. We managed to show our Mom's we loved them, without having to run all over the city on Sunday. For my first Mother's Day ever I got to sleep in, have a fun day with my kids, and actually relax for once! Imagine that!! It was a really great day & I owe it all to my wonderful hubby who worked so hard to make things fun.

I'm such a nerd that I actually asked for PIZZA on Mother's Day. It's a good thing that I have such unrefined taste, because do you know how unpopular pizza joints are on Mother's Day? We had the whole restaurant to ourselves & the kids behaved beautifully. It was a dream come true!

After a tasty and satisfying lunch we went to Home Depot to buy my gift..........

I asked Jonathan for flowers for Mother's day...and he delivered!

I spent a few hours in the afternoon planting flowers with Jonathan and the kids, and then we had a cookout in the evening. It was the perfect day! I guess I have some planning to do for Father's day now.............


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I am so glad you had such a wonderful day! Maybe the day will be slightly redeemed.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The only holiday I care about is Father's Day. Because that's the day I celebrate my kids!

And to prove it, the only thing I ask for each year is a homemade card from the kids that I can proudly display at my cube farm! Nothing makes me more happy than that!

Amber said...

Cookie Jarvis?? I'm gonna have to google that one.....

Yep, the day just may have been redeemed in my mind :-).

Anonymous said...

Amber I am so glad that you had a great Mother's Day! I had Pizza too! After having lunch at my Mother In laws..we were all too stuffed for the Nice Dinner that was planned. So we ordered Pizza and just hung out together! It was so awesome! Nothing to clean up and nothing to cook! And Tiff made her awesome brownie,cherry dessert that is packed with fat and loads of delicious !! :-)

Amber said...

Hehe! I think I really like the idea of pizza on Mother's Day! You are mess, no clean was perfect :-). Although, I think my last two weekends of pig-outs have taken their's time for me to be good again :-).

Faith said...

I am on the other spectrum, where I long to run around KC and celebrate with my extended family. The grass is always greener and all that! Glad you were able to relax though!

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!