For me, it really was a time of reflection on what Christ did for me. Now for my guilty confession...we didn't even go to Church Easter morning (faint.....gasp...I know, I know...). We did take some time as a family to read about the resurrection & we shared the Lord's supper with my family on Easter day (with our meal...the way it used to be done). It was a refreshing change to the days of old when were stressed out to the max on Easter morning because we had to be at Church to fulfill some duty or obligation. I don't know if I can ever do that to myself again. Now, I'm not saying we will never go to Church on Easter Sunday again (not at all!). However, I will be careful about filling my calendar on resurrection Sunday with a bunch of things that don't matter. I liked having time to focus on what does matter.......the risen savior! Can I get an AMEN? :-)
Anyway....enough about that. Here are a few pictures from Easter Sunday.
Maya with her Easter Sunday breakfast :-).
My sweet McKenna. It's kinda hard to see her cute little dress under that sweater. It was a little chilly this year for the sleeveless look.
"Mooky-Girl's" little dress. (She's not really into looking at the camera these days).
Chandler got some cool shades in his Easter basket.
My annual attempt at a "3 Little Whites" Easter Sunday picture. day it will day....
(How about that giant marshmallow egg in Chandler's cheek? Gotta Love that!)