Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This is hard....

My little girl is having a rough week at school & I want to make it "all better" more than anything in the whole world...but I can't! McKenna loves being at home, and I can tell being gone all day is starting to take a toll on her. Today she forgot her lunch, and when I got back up to the school to bring it to her today she was already eating a school lunch. I came up to her lunch table to talk to her for a few minutes & when she saw me she gave me a hug and then started crying!! It was a soft, sad little cry, and it broke my heart. All she said was "I miss you SOOOOO much mommy". I know that's all it is....but it just broke my heart to see her so sad.

Otherwise, she is doing really well adjusting to school. She has already made several new friends, and her teacher already has GLOWING remarks about her. I know this is just part of the "growing pains" that come with the first year of school, but that doesn't make it any easier :-(


* In other news.....
As many of you may already know, Jonathan was in a car accident yesterday while he was on a business trip to Nebraska. He was in another employee's car that got hit on the passenger side, right where he was sitting. Unfortunately, he and his co-workers spent most of their time in Nebraska in the ER! He has a pretty bad concussion, but he will be OK. Thankfully, one of the girls he works with felt well enough to drive home last night, so he is home now.

If you think of me this week...pray for me. We were planning on doing some fun stuff with the kids this weekend & I really hope Jon feels up to it by then. Crap like this always happens to us when we try to plan fun things & I'm really sick of it.....


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! I'm glad Jon is okay! I'll bet he is really sore from the accident. I'm so sorry. Glad he's back home.

I'll be praying for you guys and for McKenna. It is hard to adjust to being gone all day long. I think sometimes it is harder on us Mommies than even them to watch them deal with it.

Hang in there and keep your chin up!! Praying for ya.

Faith said...

Wow, that is a lot for you to deal with. I will be praying for you, that Jon will be feeling better soon and you can do your fun stuff as a family!

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!