Thursday, August 16, 2007

My "Mookey Girl" turned 2!

Around here, Maya is more often referred to as "Mook", "Mookey", "Mookity", or the ever popular "Mookey Mama"! Why? I have no idea! It's just one of those silly names that stuck I guess. At any rate, the "Mookey Mama" celebrated the big "2" with a little bash at a local kid play place on Saturday. We had a great time & the kids got plenty of exercise that day!

The "theme" (if you can call it that) for her party was of course...SHOES! The girl is OBSESSED with shoes (I keep forgetting to do a post about her love affair with shoes...that one will be coming soon). Any shoes! Her shoes, my shoes...everyone's shoes are fair game to her. :-) So, it was only fitting that we throw her a "shoe party". Complete with a shoe cake, shoe napkins, shoe paper plates and even little tiny flip-flop candles for her birthday cake. It was a hoot!

The birthday girl having fun!


Coming out of the big bounce house.

Maya and cousin Owen playing a game. Don't they look so cute together?

Me and my birthday girly!

The shoe cake...just right for my little princess :-)






Anonymous said...

Love that cake! She is so cute! We just had Kylie's ear tube surgery at Children's Mercy. Kylie was in that same peach hospital gown that Maya wore when she was there. So, I was just thinking about Maya this past Friday :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us come to the big #2 bash! It was really fun. My how time does fly. . .but in some ways aren't you just sooo glad.

We just got back from SDC and it was really a great time. It was by far the easiest trip we have had. Good times are ahead!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Maya!!!!!

Love your pink cake!

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!