Thursday, June 01, 2006

"Little White" update!

OK, so I've been a little lazy as of late...that's an understatement for sure. But, as you will see from these pictures I have had A LOT going on. I'll give myself a "pass" this time, but I'll try not to let it happen again (at least not in the near future).
Now for the "update". McKenna finished up her first year of preschool on the 16th of May. She really loved her school & I can't say enough good things about the program. I LOVED being able to have a FUN place for McKenna to escape to twice a week, because I have to admit that our house isn't always the magical "fun factory" that I'd imagined it would be. That darn "reality" thing sure bites sometimes! Sending McKenna to preschool was one of the smartest parenting moves I think I made this year. I saw my little girl blossom into quite the little "social butterfly" and begin to make friends outside of our family "circle"....and boy did she make new friends (even a couple of "boyfriends" hehe)!

This was her best friend at school. She and Taylor played together All THE TIME! McKenna's teacher told me that she had to make sure McKenna and Taylor could stand next to each other in all of the organized events or else the two of them would cry for each cute is that!
McKenna and "Miss Julie"

McKenna and her "Bucket-O-Loot"


Anonymous said...

She is so sweet!!! She has such an angelic little face!!

I miss Mother's Day Out! Tori is coming tomorrow so I can go grocery shopping. I've been taking the four kids, but by doing so I set myself up for failure!!

Amber said...

You are one brave woman, Julie! I don't dare take my three to the grocery store when I'm alone.

Every time I have tried to do so it ends up being something I regret! One kid has a meltdown, another one will run away from me & I end up screaming at them in the middle of the store (something I swore I would never do), & at least one member of our crew poops....EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

We have been known to order out for several days in a row because I couldn't/wouldn't go to the grocery store with all three kids-LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm the one who poops in the store.

...And at Karen's house...

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!