Thursday, January 25, 2007


It's been a rough couple of months, and I've felt exhausted in just about every area of my life. Mentally, physically, and emotionally I feel......well, spent. I've heard it said that when your life hits a place like this it would be wise to "be still" & listen for God's still small voice in your life. Sometimes we get a BIG sign from God & other times we may miss it if we are not looking for his hand at work. I think I miss it ALL the time. I will look back and say......"Oh....that was YOU at work in my life, God".

Amid all of the turmoil & disappointment I've been experiencing lately, I've been failing to see God's hand at work in my life. His love. The way he "covers me". The way he "lifts my head" when I've fallen. I've taken those things for granted & decided that I must have been alone during many of those hard times...but that couldn't be further from the truth!

Today, I feel like it's important to give God the credit for the many wonderful things He has done in my life (and will continue to do). Despite going through a very tough time right now, something beautiful has happened in my heart. I still have hope! I know the only reason I still have this hope is because God has been gracious enough to give me that gift right when I needed it. He really is a personal and loving's just taken me 27+ years to see that!

So, why am I sharing this with you? Because I want you to be encouraged! I want you to to know God is a God of hope and healing! You see, I'm still not out of the "tunnel" (so to speak), but I am clinging to the hope that where God is leading me will NOT end in more darkness, but rather a very bright new beginning! For now, I put my hope and trust in a God that is enough...

*As I have been walking through this journey of faith my heart has been touched by the words to this worship song. I hope you will meditate on these words as well & come to find that Jesus really is "enough" for you. If you are in the middle of a dark "tunnel" ask God to stand beside you and lead you. Ask for BIG things! Ask Him to give you hope to believe that the end is going to be worth the journey that you had to take to get there. I believe God loves nothing more than to take your hand and lead you into something greater than what you could have imagined for yourself. He is such an awesome God in that way!


Enough Lyrics
Artist: Chris Tomlin
Album: Not To Us
All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough
You are my supply My breath of life
And still more awesome than I know
You are my reward worth living for
And still more awesome than I know
All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough
You're my sacrifice Of greatest price
And still more awesome than I know
You're the coming King You are everything
And still more awesome than I know
More than all I want More than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know More than all I can say
You are more than enough for me !
HERE is a link to the song-Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

God is so very good, isn't he! I know that in the very toughest times I didn't know if I could go on but I know that being able to step another step was only HIM.

I love that song! I played and sang that over and over the year Mom fought her cancer battle. It is such a good reminder that if everything else goes down the toilet - he is still enough!

Hang in there, girl! Is there anything I can do?

Anonymous said...

I love you Amber!!! REALLY! I've been reading a series of Christian fiction about women who go on journeys together-in the series it a literal journey-like to a different location--and I started bawling the other day because I realized I have my own women to take a journey with. It might not be to a different country(yet) but I feel like I been blessed to share life with you! I hope you know that you are prayed over all the time and I am so thankful God is meeting you even in the midst of turmoil. It might not be a literal marathon but God wants us to go the distance, doesn't He. I miss you friend and we need to make time to hang(without our children--I love 'em but oh my goodness)michalea

Amber said...

Karen and Michaela-

I heard a woman on Oprah yesterday say that once you hit your "30's" (which I'm getting ever so close to), the one thing that you treasure MORE is your friendships with other women. This is because you begin to see what REALLY matters in this life & friendships are more valuable to women than anything else!

I see that in my life very clearly right now. I honestly don't know what I would do without you girls. We have walked an amazing journey together & it's only been a few years! My heart is blessed just knowing that you two were the first ones to read my blog and comment today :-)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Amber -
I thought I would go on your blog today and see how you were doing. I am sorry to hear that you are having turmoil in your life. But as you said God will help you through it. You are so right in saying that women need each other in their lives... friends.. true friends. Even at the ripe age of 40... you find out that your girlfriends and God can help you find serenity ! Always know that even though we just met in August..I am here for you whenever you should need it! Keep having faith and always know that you will find the way !! Keep smiling- you have a beautiful smile and outlook on so many things!!
Love Ya ! Jodi

Amber said...

Oh, made me cry! That was so sweet!

*I'm really bummed that I won't get to see you at the run this Saturday (I have a wedding cake that I'm doing). I miss getting to see you every week :-). I'll e-mail you later this week to catch up with you ;-)

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!