Friday, January 22, 2010

McKenna and Daddy!

Over the Christmas Break Jonathan took McKenna to work with him for a special "Daddy/ Daughter" day. McKenna had been looking forward to this day for a very long time! I remember doing the same thing with my Dad when I was about her age & I love that McKenna got to do the same. I know she loved it because it was a special time where her daddy got to focus some individual attention on just her (something that's hard for parents with 4 little ones to do very often!). Truth be told, that's really what the day was all about, but I also think McKenna got a little glimpse of what it means for her daddy to be a "provider" for our family too. That night she asked me "So, daddy gets paid when he goes to work and helps other people fix their computers and stuff". Yep....she picked up on that just from spending some quality time with her dad at his work!

I believe kids need to see their parents "in action" sometimes in order to appreciate and develop a good work ethic. It's so sad to me that so many young people in our society are lazy and unmotivated because they have been handed everything without having to go out and work for it to earn it! Jon and I want to give our kids opportunities, don't get me wrong...I just don't want them to think that just because they have been given an opportunity it means they won't have to WORK to keep it. One of the best principles Jon and I learned from our Dave Ramsey course was that WE are the ones that are going to change our family tree! It starts with us & what we teach our children about life, work, and finances. It starts when we show our kids that we work hard for what we have, and that we get rewarded when we stick with something long enough to see it through to the end.

In a world that tempts us with "get rich quick" schemes, and a government that tells us we have a "right" to something we did not work for.... boy do I have my work cut out for me! I want my children to know that the only thing that lasts is that which you work for and EARN! I want them to own their successes & know that it is hard work and wise financial planning that earns them true "financial freedom".  Oh, and I want them to know those principles because that's what they saw their parents live out ;-).

McKenna Working hard on her fashion designs.

Helping daddy with the backup tapes.

McKenna the master sorter ;-)

Out to lunch with Daddy.

The best part of lunch!

What a great day!


Jonathan said...

Thanks for the post hon. I'd agree with you on every bit of it except for "so many young people in our society are lazy and unmotivated because they have been handed everything"

Its not just young people, sadly.

Anonymous said...

OH that is so true Jonathan! I work with two people that exact way! So very sad! Glad that you and McKenna had a great day! Thanks for posting that Amber! Love the photos !!

Sometimes I don't get dressed for the day until, and on the weekend I let my kids eat cookies for breakfast. I drank coffee (and sometimes diet coke) when I was pregnant. I use under eye concealer to cover up my zits & I bake when I'm stressed. If you can deal with all that....then welcome to our family blog!